【摘要】 眼眶具有空间狭小,重要组织结构集中,排列复杂,解剖层次欠清,手术野窄,手术操作复杂等特点。由于眼眶肿瘤具有多样性、位置深、直视性差等特点,肿瘤切除术中难免发生一些并发症,其中以视力丧失最为严重。因此,寻找一种简便、易行、直接、即时的术中视觉功能监测的方法非常重要。眼眶手术中监测瞳孔变化不仅可用于监测视功能,而且可用于生命体征的监测,判断病情,指导抢救及疾病转归。
【关键词】 眼眶肿瘤; 手术; 瞳孔监测
作者单位:300384 天津眼科(高文);眼科医院(何彦津)
Monitoring the pupil during orbital surgery
Gao Wen, He Yanjin*. * Eye Hospital, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300384, China
Corresponding author:He Yanjin,Email:yanjinhe88@gmail.com
【Abstract】 The anatomy of the eye′s orbit is the major factor in complications after surgery, especially visual loss. Monitoring the pupil during orbital surgery provides quantitative information about the pupil and the pupillary light reflex. This approach may be valuable in judging a condition, an informative finding for the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases.
【Key words】 Orbit tumor; Surgery; Pupil monitoring
高文 何彦津 等 中华眼视光学与视觉科学