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发布日期:2014-12-17   http://www.zgjsyw.com

 陶奕瑾 赵灿 等 中华眼视光学与视觉科学

【摘要】 目的 探讨垂体瘤患者视野损害、双眼视功能与垂体瘤体积的相关性及特点。方法 系列病例研究。分析2013年1月至2014年8月在我院确诊为垂体瘤的42例患者的病历及视野资料。通过方差分析及线性相关分析研究视野缺损类型,平均缺损(MD),模式标准差(PSD)和视野指数(VFI)与垂体瘤体积的关系。结果 25例(占60%)患者因视力下降就诊。34例(占81%)患者视野异常,其中15例(占44%)表现为特征性的双眼颞侧偏盲。视野缺损较重眼MD、VFI与肿瘤体积呈负相关(MD:r=-0.548,P<0.01;VFI:r=-0.544,P<0.01)。以H-P-A进行分级的视野缺损中,各级之间MD、PSD、VFI、双眼整合VFI及肿瘤体积的比较差异均有统计学意义(MD:F=24.517,P<0.01;PSD:F=3.452,P<0.05;VFI:F=27.431,P<0.01;双眼整合VFI:F=21.057,P<0.01;肿瘤体积:F=2.985,P<0.05)。结论 视力和视野损害是垂体瘤患者的眼部主要表现;不同大小的肿瘤造成的视野缺损类型多样,双眼视功能也有不同,随肿瘤体积增大,视野和视功能损害也逐渐加重。

【关键词】 视野; 垂体肿瘤; 平均缺损; 模式标准差; 视野指数


作者单位:650032 昆明眼科


Characteristics ofvisual field loss and binocular vision function in pituitary adenoma

Tao Yijin, Zhao Can,Zhang Yang, Cha Xueping, YuanYuansheng, Zhong Hua. Department of Ophthalmology, the First Hospital Affiliated to Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650032, China

Corresponding author: Zhong Hua,Email: zhoculist@163.com

【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the patternof visual field (VF) defectsand evaluate the correlation between tumor volume and visual function inpatients with pituitary tumors. Methods A retrospective analysis of the pre-operative medical history and visualfield reports of 42 cases of pituitary tumor was done between January 2013 andAugust 2014. Mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD) and visual field index (VFI) of the VF parameter were used to measure VF defect severity, to analyze the pattern of VF defects, andto correlate tumor volume and VF defects. Results Twenty-five patients (60%) complained of reduced vision. Thirty-fourpatients (81%) showed abnormalVF and 15 of them had bitemporal field changes, whichwere the most common field defects on presentation. Tumor volume showed asignificant correlation with MD and the VFI of the worst eye(MD: r=-0.548,P<0.01; VFI: r=-0.544, P<0.01). The MD,PSD, VFI, integrated VFI andtumor volume were significantly different in the H-P-A groups (MD: F=24.517,P<0.01; PSD: F=3.452, P<0.05; VFI:F=27.431, P<0.01; integratedVFI: F=21.057, P<0.01; tumor volume F=2.985, P<0.05). Conclusion The damage tovisual acuity and visual field are the main manifestations in patients withpituitary tumors. The larger the tumor, the more severe the damage of VF and visual function.

【Key words】 Visual fields; Pituitary neoplasms; Mean deviation; Pattern standard deviation; Visual field index

